ArtsRock Staff
ArtsRock Staff
Laura Steinberger

Laura Steinberger

Managing Director

Laura Steinberger is an operations and finance executive dedicated to helping nonprofits navigate periods of change and growth: including transitions in leadership, technology innovation, and geographic expansion. Drawing on experience as a nonprofit executive, a professional investor, and an advisor to small business owners in underserved communities, she develops nimble strategies to foster resilient and sustainable organizations.

At ArtsRock, she applies her practical skills and entrepreneurial creativity to support and promote performances that can foster mutual understanding and build community.

As Chief Operating Officer of the Children's Environmental Literacy Foundation, she guided the organization's pivot from in-person to innovative online programs attuned to the special needs of remote students and sponsors. The organization emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic with a stronger hybrid business model that doubled program reach and increased flexibility. Two decades in the investment management industry honed her research and analytical skills, particularly building flexibility into planning and communicating impact.

A long-time Nyack resident, Laura graduated from Columbia University in New York City with both a Master of Business Administration (Finance) and a Bachelor of Arts (Art History and French). She is fluent in French and conversant in Spanish.

Elliott Forrest

Elliott Forrest

Executive Artistic Director

Elliott Forrest is a Peabody Award winning broadcaster and producer. He is currently heard on Classical 105.9FM WQXR and guest-hosts for Leonard Lopate and John Schaefer and on WNYC. He is the Executive Artistic Director of ArtsRock. He's produced at The Hollywood Bowl, Lincoln Center and scores of concerts, events and shows. He is the host and producer of the national radio concerts of The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center; and hosts and produces regular podcasts for the New York Philharmonic; has been the 'voice' of CNN and LIVE FROM LINCOLN CENTER on PBS. For more than 12 years he was with the A&E Television Network as host of Breakfast with the Arts and Biography.