Calendar of Events
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Tickets: $28 / $48 Premium Seating
The Songs of Protest 2 concert brings together a highly-talented group of musicians to celebrate the power of music to effect change, addressing civil rights, anti-war, women's rights, workers' rights, and more!
Tom Chapin - Just Added!
- Jon Pousette-Dart, Singer/Songwriter
- David Amram, Legendary Composer and Musician
- Sally Neff, Cantor, Reform Temple of Nyack
- Adam Falcon
- Sam Waymon
- The Old Number 7 Band, Rockland's Favorite Band
- KJ Denhert
- Jeff Doctorow
- Frankie D., Jazz, Funk, R&B
- Rockland Camerata
- Isabella Rose
- Tynan Davis
- Jamie Block
Produced by Jeffrey Friedberg & Elliott Forrest
Supported by WFUV