Calendar of Events
Calendar of Events

Now Streaming Online

A Very Special ArtsRock Benefit

Sir James Galway and Lady Jeanne Galway
House Concert & Conversation
Streaming On Demand
Tickets: $85 - House Concert & Conversation Preferred Seating. After Party: Wine by The Grape D'Vine, Catered by Chef Kevin Reilly and Maria Santini of Roost Restaurant in Sparkill. Meet and Greet with the Artists / $25 - House Concert & Conversation (Limited Seats Available)

In this one-night only event, "the man with the Golden Flute," Sir James Galway and his flutist wife, Lady Jeanne Galway, play some favorite classical and popular favorites and chat with WQXR Radio's Elliott Forrest to support ArtsRock, Rockland's award-winning non-profit presenting arts organization.

8pm - First Reformed Church of Nyack
9pm - After Party @ First Niagara Bank
(Across the street from the church)