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Now Streaming Online
Milk and Cookies Playhouse presents
Featuring Old Tyme family music PLUS Penny Carnival Games!
Streaming On Demand
Tickets: $15 (children under 18 months are free)
Parents' Choice award-winning children's musicians, The Bossy Frog Band, are guaranteed to get all the kids (and adults) moving to and singing along with their 100% interactive shows! Board certified music therapist, Jeffrey Friedberg MT-BC, LCAT, developed the "Bossy Frog" concept in order to inspire children to learn as they learn best - through moving, playing and having fun! Themes of their shows include movement and physical fitness, making friends and nature. Jeffrey has released 8 albums of music for children and families. The concert will be followed by a penny carnival including games such as magnet fishing, bean bag toss, old school photo booth.
Milk and Cookies after the show!